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Category: Wasserfallweg

Willkommen – welcome

Willkommen – welcome

Statt vier Wochen Australien eine Woche Wandern in der Eifel. So ungefähr sieht unser Covid-19 Sommerurlaub aus. Aber ich wollte sowieso einen Blog ausprobiere, und so gibt es ihn nun – zum Teil auf englisch – von der Eifelwanderung.

Instead of travelling four weeks around Australia it’s going to be one week of hiking across the Eifel nearby. But since I wanted to do a travelblog, I will do it the other way around so you Aussie folks can see a bit of our hike …

7. Tag Daun – Manderscheid, 17,7 km

7. Tag Daun – Manderscheid, 17,7 km

Last day, rain at breakfast time but after that mainly cloudy, sometimes sunny, pleasant temperature.

The symbol has changed, it’s Lieserpfad now.
The park of Daun
There has been some rain
on of the maars. It has a swimming area, but it was to cold and we had some way to cover today.
Another sour fount, I Start to get used to the taste…
The Lieser, a small river
Though it looks very green most of the time, sometimes you see the results of the missing rain
The valley of the Lieser. The Lieser trail is supposed to be one of the most beautiful
Another ruin next to the way. It was a little detour I had to take but it was not worth it.
The upper castle of Manderscheid
I had to take a bus in order to fetch the car
End of trail (for us) for now. There are two more stopps, Katrin is looking forward to finishing it some day!
6. Tag Dockweiler – Daun, 12,7 km

6. Tag Dockweiler – Daun, 12,7 km

Wolkig bis sonnig, ca 24 Grad.

A nice place for breakfast
The daily sign
I don’t think, this traintrack is still in use..
Saure Quelle – sour font. Coming through volcanic ground, the water is very rich in minerals
It tastes about as rusty as it looks
Break with squirrel and fox
Half alive oak
Ich wusste schon immer, das auch im Steingarten etwas wachsen kann…
Oder ist das Absicht?
A very special flowerpot holder
Another sour font, tastet better, sparkling, it’s water was used for banking waffels to make them more fluffy.
Art or accident?
A narrow gate and a steep entrance of the Daun castle
This bin is watching you
The youth Hostel in Daun, finally there…
5. Tag Niederehe – Dockweiler, 10,2 km

5. Tag Niederehe – Dockweiler, 10,2 km

Zeitweise bewölkt, aber ansonsten sonnig und warm

Und los geht’s
Some flowers grow even between cobble stone
Up a hill again
Out of order
Wacholderbeeren – Juniper berries
Wacholderheide – Juniper heathland
Take a break and the follow the sign
How mmany layers can a wall consist of?
A twisted ooaktree
Time for lunch
Looking for some shade
Another heathland
The hohe Acht, the highest mountain of the Eifel (746,9 m) and the Nürburg, an old castle on top of an volcanic cone. The old Formular one racing track Nürburgring goes around it.
Today we had go along some streets, this bei g a quiet one.
A small chapel
The Dreier Maar, this area is part of the volcano Eifel. The last eruption happened thousands of years ago, this maar was dried out but some are still lakes.
The Dockweiler mill
Our tent is our home. Since we couldn’t find any Hostel etc., my arents brought the car packend with camping gear
4. Tag Ahrdorf – Niederehe, 12,8 km

4. Tag Ahrdorf – Niederehe, 12,8 km

Warm und sonnig, was will man mehr…

Da lang geht es weiter
An Art vending machine
A watch sheep…
The ruin of ‚Neu Blankenburg‘ an old castle at the border of former states nobody knows anymore…
From the inside
Straight ahead the sign says
The Kirbach, a local creek
A quarry, with a huge cement factory just behind me
Many trails around here, makes you wonder
The ruin of the mill by the waterfall
Finally here it is, the Waterfall of the trail. For some reason it is ‚growing‘ due to scale and moss
This is the way it really looks like. After days of lonesome wandering, this felt Stränge.
The former monastry of Niederehe, finish of this days trip, over 50 km in total
3. Tag Wershofen – Ahrdorf, 13,7 km

3. Tag Wershofen – Ahrdorf, 13,7 km

Wetter sehr gut, sonnig und warm

Es geht weiter
Det Aremberg, der höchste Punkt der Wanderung g the highest peak of the trail
An old mill
Through the woods
Kapelle Eichenbach
Die Aremberg, oder was davon übrig ist
The rremains of the castle Aremberg. The origins go back to the 12th century, with a surrounding wall, an artificial moat ect. Later it was conquered by the French…
Unser erster 600er 😉, Our first 600 m mountain
The ttown of Aremberg
Die Schutzengelkapelle der Wanderer
The guardian angel
A bbit bring after a while
Unfortunately I didn’t get to See the colourful side of the wings
The rriver Ahr
Here uused to be a mill, stay for the night
2. Tag Wasserscheide – Wershofen, 14 km

2. Tag Wasserscheide – Wershofen, 14 km

Wetter sonnig, anfangs etwas kühl, später ca. 20 Grad, gutes Wanderwetter.

Sunny, in the beginning fairly fresh, later around 20 degrees.

On the trail again
A beautiful view
View Part 2
Der Brombeerheckenpfad – the raspberryhedge trail
A big grasshopper
Another time for a break, below an apple tree
Up the hill
Bumblebees at work
The toothache cross
Once French soldiers occupied Wershofen. A villagers came out of the forest to check the situation. He was shot at, his jaws smashed by the bullet at this spot. So people with thoothache came here to pray for relief..
Im Original

Done for the day!
Eifel sunset

1. Tag Bad Münstereifel – Wasserscheide

1. Tag Bad Münstereifel – Wasserscheide

Temperatur ca. 15 Grad, gut zum Wandern, nicht zum Fotografieren…

Temperatur is great for hiking, but view is Not good for taking fotos…

Follow me
Waterfall Trail
Bad Münstereifel is a medieval town…
Lots of different trails to choose from
There is a toy Museum in this frame work house
A scenic view
Time for a break
It’s Not Green everywhere, especially pine trees hat to suffer from heat and bugs over the past years
Mount Michael, a place to go bobsliding in Winter, if there is any snow
The chapel of the archangel Michael
Another view
Wasserscheide, 12.2 km