7. Tag Daun – Manderscheid, 17,7 km

7. Tag Daun – Manderscheid, 17,7 km

Last day, rain at breakfast time but after that mainly cloudy, sometimes sunny, pleasant temperature.

The symbol has changed, it’s Lieserpfad now.
The park of Daun
There has been some rain
on of the maars. It has a swimming area, but it was to cold and we had some way to cover today.
Another sour fount, I Start to get used to the taste…
The Lieser, a small river
Though it looks very green most of the time, sometimes you see the results of the missing rain
The valley of the Lieser. The Lieser trail is supposed to be one of the most beautiful
Another ruin next to the way. It was a little detour I had to take but it was not worth it.
The upper castle of Manderscheid
I had to take a bus in order to fetch the car
End of trail (for us) for now. There are two more stopps, Katrin is looking forward to finishing it some day!

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